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About Us

We are Growth Capital Ventures

Backing the game changers; the British businesses that are transforming industries and communities

Norm Peterson & Craig Peterson

Co-founders of GCV

Two Businesses. One Mission.

We are a different type of business.

A Private Investor Network and Venture Builder working together to build and back businesses that transform industries.

Launched in 2015, by co-founders Norm Peterson and Craig Peterson, the business has evolved considerably since its inception, but our mission has remained the same: to back the game changers, the innovators, and value creators. Those who make a positive difference in the way we live and work.

Whether that’s the UK’s first digital-led and most trusted challenger bank, or a tech startup that’s transforming the way businesses engage employees and strengthen culture; the mission is the same, identify and accelerate businesses that have the potential to grow, scale, and create value.


Private Investor Network

Access high growth investment opportunities.

Providing access to compelling tax-efficient investment opportunities and high-quality property transactions, our network of experienced investors have the ability to build a diversified investment portfolio of top-tier opportunities.


Venture Builder

Create. Launch. Scale. 

From innovative entrepreneurs to forward-thinking corporates, we collaborate to build, launch and scale businesses that will transform industries. Back office support and business strategy to full-stack software development, our specialist team supports in the full growth of a transformational business.

Our Mission

To back the next generation of British businesses as they transform industries and communities


Norman Peterson
Chief Executive Officer
Growth Capital Ventures

About Growth Capital Ventures

Our company in numbers

Since Growth Capital Ventures launched, we've developed a portfolio of a dozen high growth companies who we've helped launch and/or scale.





Co-Investment facilitated


Money-on-money investor return (unrealised)


Portfolio company
job creation


Overall Market Cap of Portfolio



Our Company Milestones

Founded in 2015 by brothers Norm and Craig Peterson, GCV was formed with the core mission of providing private investors with access to transformational investment opportunities that not only have the potential to  deliver superior returns, but measurable positive impact also. Since that time, GCV has expanded considerably, but it's key focus has remained. 


  • Startup

    Against a backdrop of technology driving change in the Financial Services sector. Norm and Craig Peterson launch Growth Capital Ventures (“GCV”).

  • £250,000 Seed Capital

    GCV raises £250,000 from private investors.
  • The Vision

    To build a business that connects growth focused investors to ventures that have the potential to make a positive difference to society, create value and deliver superior returns to all stakeholders.
  • GCV Invest

    Online co-investment platform launched to do two things. One, streamline the investment and fundraising process for ambitious high growth businesses. Two, provide experienced investors with access to high quality growth focused investment opportunities.

Craig Peterson (COO) and Norm Peterson (CEO)


  • Expansion

    With increasing deal flow and an increasingly active investor network, we focus our strategy on co-investment and asset class diversification for our private investor network.

  • Strategic Opportunities

    GCV support Maven Capital Partners with bids for £200 million fund mandates across the North and Midlands. Focus on co-investment into high growth businesses that drive the UK economy.
  • Growth Capital

    November 2016, Funds managed by Maven Capital Partners invest £1.1 million into GCV to support future expansion and new product development.

Norm Peterson, Bill Kennedy, Craig Peterson, Suzanne Lupton and Simon Lenney


  • Co-Investment Funds

    Support Maven Capital Partners to mobilise a number of Fund Mandates; Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund (NPIF), North East Development Capital Fund (NEDCF), Midlands Engine Investment Fund (MEIF) and Finance Durham. Totalling over £200 million in assets under management (AUM), these funds will help high-growth businesses scale up over the coming years.

  • Key Hires

    Recruit a capable team across the core disciplines of product development, software development, project management, investor relations, marketing, finance and back office support.
  • Atom Bank

    £1 million co-investment into a £16 million follow-on-round round with Tosca Fund. 44 GCV members invest between £10,000 and £250,000. The offer was oversubscribed by £700,000 within one week.
  • GCV Labs

    Team begins shaping ideas for GCV’s Innovation Lab and Venture Builder to support the growth of portfolio company Intelligence Fusion. Focus on scoping pilot scheme, designed to help Intelligence Fusion create enterprise value quickly and cost-effectively, with planned mobilisation in 2018.
  • Property

    Originated a pipeline of property transactions with a Gross Development Value of £20 million+ in preparation for the launch of a new asset class for GCV Investors.

New Hires
Hive HR


  • Expansion

    Focus on increasing deal pipeline, growing the Investor Base, and new product development.

  • Strategic Opportunities

    Launch GCV Invest, a Private Investor Network for sophisticated investors and high-net-worth individuals. Complements the GCV online Investor Network and relationships with Institutional Investors. Creates liquidity pool of £20 million+
  • Investment Themes

    With an expanding investor network and deal pipeline; focus on providing GCV investors with access to hand picked alternative investments across three core asset classes, Venture Capital, Property and Private Equity.
  • GCV Labs

    Live projects with Intelligence Fusion and Corporate Partners.

  • Property

    Complete first property co-investment transactions. £10million+


Management Team
Homes by Carlton


  • GCV Invest

    The Private Investor Network continues to expand, co-investing over £8 million into venture capital and property transactions alongside GCV’s institutional investor partners.

  • GCV Labs

    Provides intensive ‘venture builder’ support to Intelligence Fusion and prepares the company for third funding round at an increased valuation. Developed and launched a Direct Lending Platform and wins further venture builder projects.

  • Property

    Secured pipeline with a GDV of £70 million+, providing GCV Investors with access to joint venture-style property investment opportunities. Targeting 1.5x money-on-money return (25% IRR).


New Hires
Intelligence Fusion


  • Growth Capital

    Closed £1 million Series A funding Round to develop and launch Quva - a SaaS solution for the Alternative Investment Sector.
  • GCV Invest

    The Private Investor Network continues to expand, co-investing over £8 million into venture capital and property transactions alongside GCV’s institutional investor partners. 

  • GCV Labs

    Provides intensive ‘venture builder’ support to prepare Quva for launch in 2021.
www.growthcapitalventures.co.ukhubfsGalloway USE (1)-min

GCV Invest
Facilitates joint venture-style property investments


  • GCV Labs

    Quva - Developed and launched by the GCV Labs Venture Builder Team, Quva is a highly customisable, highly configurable end-to-end Investment Platform for Alternative Investment Managers. This enterprise-level SaaS business is 100% owned by GCV and forms a key part of the Company's value-creation strategy.

  • GCV Invest

    Continued expansion of the Private Investor Network. Strategic relationships developed with more co-investors, including institutional investors, corporate investors and family offices.

New Product Launch
GCV Labs supports the development and launch of Quva


  • GCV Labs

    Quva - continued progress, deepening the technology and expanding the team.
    n-gage.io - provides intensive venture builder support to prepare the business for launch
  • GCV Invest

    Continuous expansion of the Private Investor Network, co-investing over £10 million into transactions alongside GCV's institutional investment partners.

Bryan Hoare
Co-Founder at n-gage.io


  • GCV Labs

    Quva - landing first international clients
    n-gage.io - deepening the technology, expanding the feature set and gaining commercial traction
    Corporate Venture Builder - working with London based Family Office to support portfolio company with launch and expansion in the US
  • GCV Invest

    Continued expansion of the Private Investor Network with more experienced investor joining to co-invest alongside institutional investors






No. of Transactions


Overall Value of Transactions


Overall Value of GCV Element


Overall Portfolio Market Capitalisation

Driving Growth.
Creating Value.
Delivering Impact.

Backed by

Growth Capital Ventures (GCV) is backed by funds managed by Maven Capital Partners, one of the UK’s leading private equity and alternative asset managers.